Introduction: Used for diseases of mouth, teeth, gums and throat. Khadiradi Vati is a very effective Ayurvedic medicine that prevents bad breath, toothache, gum problems, oral ulcers, sore throat and tonsillitis or infections of tonsils. Bacterial build-up in the mouth leads to bad breath, dental decay and mild discomfort to acute pain in teeth and gums. Khadiradi Vati has antibacterial properties that eliminates the bacteria and gives you relief. Khadiradi Vati acts as oral antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent and expectorant.

Reference: Bheshaj Ratnavali, Gulma Rodhikara, Astang Radyam, Charak Samhita

Ingredients:  Contains following ingredients (As per Charak Samhita)

Black Catechu 4.8 Kg and Arimeda 9.6 Kg is boiled in 50 liters of water till reduced to 12.3 liters. In this decoction fine powder (12gram, 48 gram, 192 gram as mentioned in table) of ingredients are added. Paste is prepared and rolled in to pills.

Black CatechuAcacia Catechuखदिरखैरકાથો
Sweet AcaciaAcacia leucophloea /farnesianaविटखदिर, अरिमेदगंध बबूलતલ બાવળ
12 Gram each:    
Indian SandalwoodSantalum album Linnचंदनम, अनिंदितासफ़ेद चंदन, चंदनસફેદ ચંદન
Bird CherryPrunus puddumपद्मकपद्माखપદ્મકાષ્ટ
VetiverVetiveria Zizanioidesउशिराखसવાળો
Indian Madder (Root)Rubia Cordifoliaमंजीस्ठामजीठમજીઠ
Nut GrassCyperus rotundus Linnमुस्ताक, नागरमोथनागरमोथ, मोथનાગરમોથ
Fire flame bush (Flower)Woodfordia fruticosaधातकी, बहुपुष्पिकाधवाइધાવની
LotusNymphoea stellata Willdउत्पला, कुमुदा, कुमुदिनीनिल्कंड, कुमुदનિલકમલ
LiquoriceGlycyrrhiza glabraयष्टिमधु, मुलहठीजेठीमध,જેઠીમધ
CinnamonCinnamomum zeylanicum Blume                दारुसिथा, त्वाकदालचीनीતજ
Green CardamomElettaria cardamomum Linnतृतिह, एलाएलईचीએલચી
LotusNelumbium speciosumपद्म, शारदाकमलમોટું કમળ
Iron wood of Assam, Ceylon iron woodMesua ferrea Linnनागकेसरा, अहिपुष्पानागकेसर, नघासનાગકેસર
LaccaLaccifer laccaलक्षलक्ष, लाखલાખ
Iron wood of Assam, Ceylon iron woodMesua ferrea Linnनागकेसरा, अहिपुष्पानागकेसर, नघासનાગકેસર
Spike Nard, JatamansiNardostachys jatamansiजटामांसी, तपस्विनी,  विलोमासाजटामांसीજટામાંસી
Chebulic myrobalanTerminalia chebula Retzहरीतकी, अभयाहरड़, हरड़ेહરડે
BelericTerminalia Belericaविभितकबहेड़ाબહેડા
Indian GooseberryEmblica officinalis Gaertnआमलकी, धात्री, वयस्थआमला, आँवलाઆમળા
Lodh tree (bark) Symplocos racemosa  लोध्र, लोध, शावरालोध्र, लोधલોધર
Fragrant PavoniaPavonia Odorataउदीच्यानेत्रबालाકાળો વાળો
TurmericCurcuma Longaहरिद्राहल्दीહળદર
Indian Barberry (Stem)Berberis Aristataदारुहरिद्रादारु हल्दीદારૂહળદર
Large leaf Beauty BerryCallicarpa macrophylla  फालिनी, प्रियंगुबस्तरा, प्रियंगुલતાપ્રિયંગું
Green CardamomElettaria cardamomum Linnतृतिह, एलाएलईचीએલચી
Indian Madder (Root)Rubia Cordifoliaमंजीस्ठामजीठમજીઠ
Box MyrtleMyrica nagi  काटफलकाइफलકાયફળ
Sweet FlagAcorus Calamusवचवछગોડા વજ
Khorasan ThronFagonia Creticaदुर्लभाधमासाધમાસો
Eagle WoodAquilaria agallocha Roxbअगारु, वंशिका, कृमिजग्धमअगरઅગર
Sappan WoodCaesalpinia sappan  पतरंगाहपतंगा,बकमપતંગ
Purified red ochre  Silicate of Alumina and Oxide of Ironस्वर्णगैरिका, कासयक्कलगेरु, गेरु मिट्टीગેરુ, સોના ગેરુ
Indian Barberry (Extract)Aqueous extract of Berberis aristataदारुहरिद्रादारु हल्दीદારૂહળદર
48 Gram:    
CloveSyzigium aromaticumलवंगलॉन्ग, लाँगલવિંગ
Cylone CaperCapparis zeylanicaव्याघ्रनखीअरादण्ड, गोविंदफ़लગોવિંદકળ
NutmegMyristica fragransजातिफल,जातिफलજાઈફળ
Tailed PepperPiper cubebaकंकोला, रेणुकाकबाब चीनीકબાબચીની
192 Gram:    
CamphorCinnamomum camphoraकर्पूरा, चंद्रप्रभाकपूरકપૂર

Some pharmacies prepare simple preparation as under:

In 250 mg Tablet:

Khadira Saar (Kattha) – Catechu (Acacia Catechu Extract) – 125 mg, Javitri (Mace) – 31.25 mg, Kankol (Sheetal Chini or Kabab Chini) – Cubeb (Tailed Pepper) – Piper Cubeba – 31.25 mg, Bhimseni Kapoor – Natural Camphor – Cinnamomum Camphora – 31.25 mg, Supari – Areca nut – 31.25 mg

Various preparations are available in market for this medicine as per different Ayurvedic books. However, main ingredient remain Catechu only giving almost same results. One can use the preparation as per own choice.

Doses:  Adult: 1 tablet 4 to 5 times daily, Children: 1 tablet twice daily.


Tablets are to be sucked in mouth as per recommended doses.

1. Bad Breath (Halitosis): Removes bad breath by chewing in recommended doses.

2. Stomatitis (Mouth ulcers): Reduces pain and burning sensation of ulcers, reduces inflammation of mucus membrane.

3. Hoarseness of voice (Laryngitis): Reduces inflammation of larynx (Voice Box), Clears voice, and reduces irritation and swelling of vocal cord.

4. Sore throat/ Cough/ Tonsilitis: For relief, taken with Sitopaladi Churn. Gives soothing effect eliminating bacteria. Reduces irritation, pain and inflammation of tonsils.

5. Diseases of tooth: Like dental caries, loose teeth etc. taken with Arogyavardhini Vati.


Tablet contains Camphor. High doses of camphor may result in complications like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, restlessness etc. in some cases. Should not be taken more than recommended doses. For any complication, consult the practitioner.

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