संस्कृत: यमानी, अजमोदिका, दिप्यका ગુજરાતી: અજમો हिन्दी: अजवाइन, जेवाइन Binomial: Trachyspermum Ammi Introduction: Ajwain plants grow up to...
संस्कृत: यमानी, अजमोदिका, दिप्यका ગુજરાતી: અજમો हिन्दी: अजवाइन, जेवाइन Binomial: Trachyspermum Ammi Introduction: Ajwain plants grow up to...
संस्कृत: ब्राह्मी, मंडूकपर्णी, भाणडी ગુજરાતી: બ્રાહ્મી हिन्दी: ब्राह्मी, ब्रहममंडुकी Binomial: Centella Asiatica Introduction: Brahmi has two varieties, Centella...
संस्कृत: आरग्वध, कर्णिकार ગુજરાતી: ગરમાળો हिन्दी: अमलतास Binomial: Cassia Fistula Linn. Introduction: A medium sized oval shaped tree...
संस्कृत: आर्दक, आद्रकं, नागर, शुण्ठी ગુજરાતી: આદુ, સૂંઠ हिन्दी: अदरक, सौंठ Binomial: Zingiber Officinale Introduction: Ginger, a flowering...
SITOPALADI CHURNA: Sitopaladi Churna is beneficial in a variety of disease relating to respiratory system, digestive system and immune system....
INTRODUCTION: Chyawanprashawaleh follows the 2,000 year old recipe from the Charaka Samhita. Treated as ultimate tonic known as rasayana because it is...
संस्कृत: शिगृ, शोभान्जना ગુજરાતી: સરગવો हिन्दी: साहिजन, मुनागा Binomial: Moringa Oleifera Introduction: Drumstick (Moringa) tree rises up to a height...
Introduction: Sudarshan Ghanvati contains the same ingradient as in Maha Sudarshan Churna. Used mainly as Anti-pyretic medicine in Ayurveda. Both...
संस्कृत: लशुन ગુજરાતી: લસણ हिन्दी: लहसुन Binomial: Allium Sativum Linn. Introduction: Garlic is grown around the world. Garlic...
संस्कृत: जातिफल, मालतिफल ગુજરાતી: જાઈફળ हिन्दी: जाइफल Binomial: Myristica fragrans Introduction: Nutmeg is a seed of fruits...
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