
Dashan Sanskar Churna is useful for maintaining oral health. It contains ingredients which help in the reduction of gum swelling, bacterial infections etc. Dental problems such as bleeding gums, toothaches, dental abscesses, and plaque are cured. It comes in powder form and can be used in paste form also.

Reference:  Bhaishajya Ratnavali – Mukh rog chikitsa

Ingredients:  Contains following ingredients:

GingerZingiber Officinaleअदरका, सुंठीअदरक, सोंठસૂંઠ1
Myrobalan fruitTerminalia chebula Retzहरीतकीहरड़, हर्राહરડે1
Nut GrassCyperus rotundus Linnमुस्तामोथ, नागरमोथનાગરમોથ1
Black CatechuAcacia Catechuखदिरखैरકાથો1
Black PepperPiper Nigrumमरिचकाली मिर्चકાળા મરી1
CloveSyzigium aromaticumलवंगलॉन्ग, लाँगલવિંગ1
CinamonCinnamomum zeylanicum Breynत्वकदालचीनीતજ1
CamphorCinnamomum camphoraकर्पूरकपूरકપૂર1
Betel nutAreca Catechuअकोटसुपारीસોપારી1
Chalk Powder    9


Make fine powder of all the ingredients in the given proportion. Mix well and store in a container for use when required.


Take ½ tsp of powder mix and add some water to prepare a paste or use in powder form. Apply the paste/powder on teeth and gums, gently rub with fingers or brush. Keep doing for a few minutes. Wash your mouth with clean water.


  1. Useful in red or swollen gums (Gingivitis), loose gums, and stains on teeth.
  2. Prevents foul odour from mouth (halitosis), and useful in pyorrhea.
  3. Fights and prevents formation of cavities in teeth.
  4. Helpful in toothache, tooth bleeding, and for whitening of teeth.
  5. Reduces chance of skeletal and dental fluorosis.
  6. Treats sensitivity of teeth. And painful chewing.

(It is always advisable to consult qualified Vaidya, information here is for sharing knowledge about the ayurvedic preparation)

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