संस्कृत: | विडंग, जंतुनाशन | ગુજરાતી: | વાવડિંગ | |
हिन्दी: | वायविडंग, बाईबिड़ंग | Binomial: | Embelia Ribes |
Vidang plant is a shrub with weak stem having bunch of fruits, found in hilly parts of India and in Himalayas. Stem is whitish gray, roots brownish gray, with long and broad leaves. Fruits are similar to Black pepper but are reddish covered with thin whitish membrane. The root, fruits and leaves are used in Ayurveda. Sushrut Samhita considers vidang given with liquorice as Rasayana, gives strength to body and prevent aging.
1. Kills intestinal worms and bacteria, Powder/ decoction of fruits may be taken with honey.
2. Useful in gastric disorders. In constipation, Powder of fruits with carom seed powder may be given. Good appetizer. Cures nausea and vomiting.
3. Powder is useful in cough, cold and asthma. Also useful in fever.
4. Powder is useful in skin diseases. Relieves wounds, white spots. Powder may be given internally and paste of fresh leaves may be applied externally.
5. Powder is useful for relief in hysteria, epilepsy and other similar conditions.
6. Fresh leaves are useful in sore throat and ulcers in mouth.
7. Newly born babies are given powder of 1 fruit in honey for a month for overall good health. The dose may be increased gradually thereafter.
8. Powder is useful as Herbal contraceptive.
9. Powder is useful in cardiovascular diseases.
10. Urine gets red colour when taking powder hence may be given in milk.