
This is a climber plant similar to betel leaf, grown in Southern part of India. The plant gets greenish black fruits in a bunch. Dried fruits become black and is used as spice in traditional Indian dishes. The fruits when fully ripe becomes white. Both Black and White varieties are have medicinal values and used in Ayurveda extensively.


  1. Useful in Cough and cold, take pinch of powder with hot milk. Can be added to tea also.
  2. Add a pinch of powder with lemon juice and ginger juice to relieve stomach pain.
  3. In case of headache and migraine, fine powder adding in karanj oil may be applied externally.
  4. Drink a pinch of powder adding to curd and jaggery in case of bleeding from nose i.e. epistaxis.
  5. In case of whooping cough gargle with hot water after adding black pepper in boiling water.

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