संस्कृत: | नागरमुस्ता, जलतृण | ગુજરાતી: | નાગરમોથ, મોથ | |
हिन्दी: | नागरमोथ | Binomial: | Cyperus Rotundus |
The plant is considered as weed and found around water sources like river, dam etc., usually in sandy soil. Grows rapidly with many roots and rhizomes. Plant is called moth and the roots Nagarmoth. Long leaves are used to prepare mats. Roots have fragrance and used in ayurvedic medicines. One of the ingredient used in preparation of Chywanprashavaleh. Also used in perfumery.
1. For relief in headache, paste of leaves may be applied on the temporal region.
2. Roots powder improves lactation. Powder in rice water may be applied externally to relieve pain in breast.
3. Seeds may be soaked in water for few hours and given to treat hiccups.
4. Decoction of roots is used to treat fevers including malaria.
5. Used in gynecologic disorders, regulates menstruation.
6. Useful in digestive disorders, spasm, diarrhea, indigestion etc. Removes worms.
7. Useful in urinary disorders due to its diuretic action.
8. Oil is useful in growing hair, removes dandruff. Also useful in skin disorders and infections like acne, eczema, itching etc.
9. Relieves pain and inflammation in arthritis and joint pain.
10. In jaundice drops of root juice may be instilled in nostrils.
11. In hysteria, root powder may be given in cow milk.