संस्कृत: | खदिर, रक्तसार | ગુજરાતી: | ખેર, કાથો | |
हिन्दी: | खैर | Binomial: | Acasia Catechu |
Acasia trees grow in forests and may reach height up to 30-40 feet. Wood is used in constructions/furniture etc. Also, used in yagna and other religious ceremonies. One of the ingredient used in preparing betel leaf pans chewed after meal. The tree has small leaves with sharp thorns. Bark is dark brown. Flowers are yellowish. Seeds are found in long brownish pods. Black catechu is prepared from the acasia wood. Bark, heart wood and extracts are used in Ayurveda.
1. Powder is useful in mouth ulcers, gingivitis etc.
2. Powder and decoction is useful in bleeding teeth and other problems. Green stems are used to brush the teeth and massage the gums
3. Powder and decoction is very useful in skin problems. Cures leukoderma, leprosy, itching etc.
4. Decoction of bark is useful in dandruff and other hair-scalp problems.
5. Powder and decoction cures wounds. Prevents bleeding.
6. Useful in cough/cold, asthma throat and lung problems. Chew the powder or gargle decoction.
7. Useful in indigestion, appetizer hence used in betel leaf pan preparation. Useful in diarrhea. Decoction of heartwood is used as cooling drink.
8. Useful in controlling obesity.