संस्कृत: | शिगृ, शोभान्जना | ગુજરાતી: | સરગવો | |
हिन्दी: | साहिजन, मुनागा | Binomial: | Moringa Oleifera |
Drumstick (Moringa) tree rises up to a height of 10 meters. All parts of tree have medicinal value and also used in many food preparations due to its nutrition value. The tree has white flowers and are in bunches. Pods resembles to drumstick having triangular seeds with wing like mass around. It is known as “shobhanjana” as the tree increases the greenery of the surroundings and gives a good look to surroundings. The name “shigru” is gained due to its hot potency. “Theekshnagandha” is another synonym for its pungent smell and also known as “mochaka” as it gives relief (mochana) from many diseases. There are three varieties of Moringa, Black, White and Red.
1, Juice of Drumstick leaves added with a drop of honey used as eye drop to relieve many eye ailments.
2. Decoction of Moringa tree leaves and bark is used to relieve hiccups and also useful in removing urinary stones.
3. Juice of Moringa leaves helps in removing dandruff.
4. Contains Anti-inflammatory properties hence juice of leaves and bark is applied externally in conditions like wounds, joint pain, arthritis, gout, rheumatism and cramps.
5. Leaves and fruits increase digestion, appetite and reduce stomach cramps. The seeds of drumstick are used to treat intestinal worms.
6. The seed powder is used to reduce headache.
7. Leaves and bark is used to treat paralysis, nervous debility and other nerve disorders.
8. Moringa leaves and fruit are used for treatment of menstrual cramps.
9. Leaves of moringa contain antioxidants and help in reducing blood cholesterol level, and maintain heart’s health.
10. Powder of leaves is used as super food due to high contents of minerals like iron, calcium and magnesium. Also contain protein and Vitamin A.
11. Useful in gastric ulcers and diarrhea. Regulates digestive functions and relieves constipation.
12. Moringa leaves are good for skin and hair it helps in keeping skin supple.
13. Useful in regulating sleep cycle hence fights insomnia.