
Swadishta Virechan Churna is one of the ayurvedic medicines used for constipation and detoxification. It is beneficial in mild to moderate constipation, skin diseases characterized by excess itching, excess AMA (toxin) formation, headache due to constipation or abdominal gas and scabies. However, effectiveness in scabies is along with other remedies, but it works well in other indicated diseases.

Reference:  Rastantra Sar and Siddhapryogsangrah


1LicoriceGlycyrrhiza Glabraयष्टिमधुमुलेठीજેઠીમધ1 Part
2Purified SulfurAyurvedic Ingredientशुद्ध गंधकशुद्ध गंधकશુધ્ધ ગંધક1 Part
3Fennel SeedsFoeniculum Vulgareसौंफ, मीश्रेयासौंफવરિયાળી1 Part
4Indian SennaCassia Angustifoliaस्वऱणपत्री, सनयस्वऱणपत्री, सनयસેના3 Part
5SugarSugarशर्करा, मीस्रीशक्करસાકર4 Part


3 to 5 grams (Maximum per day 6 Grams)

To be taken before sleep at night in warm water

Or as directed by the physician.


  1. Useful in mild to moderate constipation, enhances digestion.
  2. Relieves headache due to stress and digestive problems.
  3. Useful in getting relief from Acidity, Gastritis etc.
  4. Due to laxative properties, relieves Hemorrhoids (Piles), Fissures and itching with burning sensation.
  5. Useful in skin conditions like Scabies, psoriasis, pruritus (severe itching of the skin)

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