
Tribhuvan Kirti Ras is used in treatment of acute fever, Cough and cold. Improves overall health and boost energy level. Contains herbal and mineral ingredients.

Reference:  Yog Ratnakar, Ras Tantra Sar

Ingredients:  Contains following ingredients:      

Hingul ShuddhaSulphide of Mercuryहींगुलाशिंगरफહિંગળો
Monk’s  HoodAconitum feroxवत्सनाभमीठा विषવછનાગ
GingerZingiber Officinaleअदरका, सुंठीअदरक, सोंठસૂંઠ
PippaliPiper Longumपिपलीपिपलीપીપર ઝીણી
Black PepperPiper Nigrumमरिचकाली मिर्चકાળા મરી
Tankan ShuddhaBoraxटंकणशुद्ध टंकणટંકણખાર
Pippali moolPiper Longum (root)पिपली मुलपिपली मुलપીપરીમૂળ
Swaras of TulsiOcimum sanctumतुलसी, ब्रिन्दातुलसीતુલસી
Swaras of GingerZingiber Officinaleअदरका, सुंठीअदरक, सोंठસૂંઠ
Swaras of DatturaDatura Metelधतूराधतूराધતૂરા


Prepare fine powder of all seven ingredients taking all in equal parts. Mix well by trituration in mortar. Go on adding fresh juice (Bhavna) of tulsi, repeat this three times. Same to be done for Juice of Ginger and Juice of Dattura. Add Gum accassia if required to prepare pill of around 60-100 mg. Dry the pill in shade and store in airtight container for future use. In some preparation Bhavna of Nirgundi (Vitex Negundo) is given in place of Ginger or both are used.


1-2 tablets twice a day with honey after meal or as directed by the physician.


  1. Used to treat all types of acute chronic fever.
  2. Useful in Cough, Cold, sore throat and to treat body pain.
  3. Useful in liver and spleen problems.
  4. Improves digestive power.
  5. Also useful in tonsilitis, influenza and throat related problems.


Preparation contains parad and vatsanabh hence should be taken under supervision of experienced Vaidya. Not advisable for children and pregnant or lactating mothers.

(It is always advisable to consult qualified Vaidya, information here is for sharing knowledge about the ayurvedic preparation)

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