संस्कृत: जीवन्ती, हेमक्षिरी  ગુજરાતી: ડોડી, ખરખોડી, સૂડીયા
हिन्दी: जीवन्ती, डोडी  Binomial: Leptadenia reticulata


Jiwanti is a climber plant found in many parts of India like Himalayan region, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat. There are three varieties of this plant and all have medicinal value. All parts of plant are useful in Ayurveda. Leaves have different shapes in different varieties like ovate, long and round, flowers are yellowish green. Fruits when opened contains silky cotton like threads. In rural areas vegetable is prepared from leaves which is considered very nutritive, Ayurveda considers this as best Saag (Vegetable). Leaves are feed to cows to increase milk. Stem and leaves have milky fluid, leaves are brittle. Charak Samhita has mentioned various uses of Jiwanti. As the name indicates, the plant provides life (Jivan), vitality and strength and comes under the category of Rasayana in Ayurveda. 


1. For night blindness, 5-10 leaves may be cooked in cow ghee and to be consumed daily.

2. In mouth ulcers, prepare a paste of leaves in cow milk and honey and apply on affected part.

3. On boils, gangrene and wounds, crush the leaves and apply this paste on the affected parts.

4. Fresh fruit juice is highly nutritious and considered as Rasayan.  

5. Paste of leaves and roots may be applied on inflammation/ swallowing of joints and pain in ribs.

6. Leaf and root decoction/ghee prepared from powder is used to treat cough, asthma and tuberculosis.

7. Useful in diarrhea, juice adding honey may be taken as required. Also useful for constipation, colitis, dyspepsia and indigestion.

8. Useful in skin diseases, infections and wounds. Paste may be applied on affected parts. Helps in treating nose, ear and throat infections.

9. Prevents habitual abortion in women. Improves breast milk for lactating mothers.

10. Increases sperm count in men.

11. Used as diuretic to increase urine volume, treats burning sensation in urine.

12. Useful in treating nasal bleeding.

13.  In fever, decoction of root is taken.

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