
संस्कृत: | बिभीतकी, कार्षफल, कालीद्रुमा | ગુજરાતી: | બહેડા | |
हिन्दी: | बहेड़ा | Binomial: | Terminalia Bellirica |
Baheda trees go very high up to 80-100 feet in height and are similar to Haritaki tree. Leaves are oval shaped green and big similar to banyan tree leaves. Fruits are ovoid round in shape similar to Haritaki fruits but without ridges. Flowers are small yellowish white. Fruit skin is mostly used in Ayurveda. However, fruit pulp which is white in colour is also useful. Baheda is one of the component of widely used “Triphala Churna” (Haritaki+Bibhitaki+Amla). In Sanskrit it is called Vibheetaki, means one which takes away fear of ailments.
1. Decoction of green fruit is useful in Asthma, Cough-Cold and in hoarseness of voice. Also useful in lung related disorders.
2. Seed oil is useful for hair growth and other hair related disorders.
3. Triphala is used as mild laxative hence used to relieve constipation. However ripe fruit pulp is useful in diarrhea and indigestion.
4. Good for eye related problems. Paste of fruit is useful on conjunctivitis.
5. Seed pulp is useful in conditions of vomiting, excessive thirst, is sedative.
6. Seed oil is useful in rheumatism, inflammation, to fight against bacterial infections and skin disorders.
7. Paste of skin may be used to heal wounds, rashes, skin irritation, acne etc.
8. Decoction may be used as mouth wash to cure mouth ulcers, mouth odor and other dental problems