Home Remedies:
Cough – Cold
1. Add Ginger, Black Pepper and Long pepper powder in equal parts, take 2-3 grams of powder along with honey three times a day.
2. Decoction of Ginger, Black Pepper and Holy Basil is useful.
3. Chew two three beetle leaves for relief in cough and cold.
4. Add honey to Green Ginger and Basil leaves juice and drink twice or thrice a day.
5. Fresh juice of mint leaves helps in relieving cough.
6. Drinking warm Milk adding Black pepper, Candy Sugar and Turmeric helps relieving cough.
7. Mix Ginger powder, Jaggery and cow ghee in equal parts. Prepare small pills and use for cough during rainy season.
8. Drink lemon juice in warm water before going to sleep.
9. Decoction of Mint leaves and Green Ginger is useful in cough and cold.
10. Inhale fumes burning Carom seeds for relief in Cough and cold.
11. Decoction of lemon, cinnamon, licorice and honey is useful in cough and cold.
12. Gargle with warm salt water relieves throat congestion due to cough and cold.
13. Put few clove buds in your mouth and chew them during the cough cold attack.
14. Take 10 ml Gilloy Juice in morning empty stomach till getting relief from cough and cold.
15. Add a pinch of Mustard seed powder in honey and consume for relief in cough and cold.